• Question: Do you suggest any technological games to play?

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      • Royal Society of Chemistry: Find out more about:
      Asked by Chimpy Champ to Elizabeth, James, Martin, Martin, Rob on 10 Mar 2015.
      • Photo: Robert Woolfson

        Robert Woolfson answered on 10 Mar 2015:

        Technological games? Sid Meirs civilisation is always good fun, as are city builders like Sim City. If you really want to get into technology then you should buy a raspberry Pi for about £20 and see what you can do with it.

        You can learn to code and make some really cool stuff using them.


      • Photo: Martin Wieczysty

        Martin Wieczysty answered on 10 Mar 2015:

        Robert’s suggestions are all good, especially the Pi. There are bringing out a new and improved model soon.
        You can try some “Physics-based” games, there are many online, such as angry birds. These will give you a feel for things such as force, angles and gravity.
        Another interesting Maths-based game is The Game of Life – an idea by John Conway, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway's_Game_of_Life. This is where you enter a block design and hit go. Each block will follow some mathematical rules and evolve. There are some tips and tricks out there, but I suggest you get creative.

      • Photo: James Coombs OBrien

        James Coombs OBrien answered on 10 Mar 2015:

        There was a really cool game that I used to play that could teach you the periodic table -http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/periodictable_2_drag_drop_all.html

        It’s really tough though – I can’t do it.
        There is also sometime called periodic table chess which again is extremely difficult.

        I would also suggest Raspberry Pi if you wanted to understand how computers run.


      • Photo: Elizabeth Cooper

        Elizabeth Cooper answered on 10 Mar 2015:

        Yes I agree with the rest – raspberry Pi would be really good. Some schools use raspberry Pi so you could alway ask your teachers about it 🙂

      • Photo: Martin Ward

        Martin Ward answered on 11 Mar 2015:

        As has already been suggested, the Raspberry Pi is a great thing to play around with. However, I am still a bit old school and would recommend Lego! Its maybe not quite as fancy, but it is equally useful and fun. I recently made a sample vial rotator from some of my old lego and use it in the lab regularly :)!
